You ever just had one of those moments where you feel like suck an Ass.....Well here is some advice for you folks....dont ever as a friend who is studying the medical field for that cheap advice....Cause even though we think we know what we are doing, we might just be faking it....I had a friend call me and ask if she should take her 2 yr old in cause she fell and now she is favoring her arm....well me being the infamous student that I am, I asked all the right questions....can she move it, does it look disfigured or is it turning blue...well all the answers were I told her to just let it go and see...Well that poor baby had a broken arm.... Yup....Now Dont I Feel Like A Fucking Asshole....thats my story for today...Until tomorrow kids.....
Right now I have a broken collarbone, which still hurts after about 8 weeks, and I had a med student friend flat out tell me it *shouldn't.* Well it does, dammit!