If you found out some things that your new crush did in her younger, crazier years, should you hold them against her....So here's what happened....My new crush and I were talking and she told me about some things that she did way back in the day....She was a little tipsy and when this happens she become a chatter box...It really threw me for a curve....I knew that she was no angel but I didnt realize the extent of the situation...I asked her if she would still do some of these things and her response was, "No, well I dont think so"....She could tell that I was uncomfortable with what she had said and immediately wanted to take that moment back....I really like this girl and I hope that something becomes of this crush....I just dont know what to think...Im trying to be open minded and base my feelings on who she is today....I dont know what to do.....
Put yourself in her shoes, as if you had discussed things from your past. It may be that those things don't bear on the other person. Not their time, not their business...unless it was axe murdering kids or something equally horrible. Then you may ineed hold her in disdane.
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