OMG a world without benifer? what ever shall i talk about around the water cooler?

today i went to the university surplus warehouse and got an imac keybord for a dollar and a 19 inch monitor for nine dollars. this is officially the best day in my life so far, well in recent memory at least. plus i am back in classes again so i have some sort of purpose in life other than keeping the plank road brewery in...
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that sounds totally awesome!!!
i dont have any good things to tell.
no bad stuff either
but just boredom
hope you are well
have fun!
i dont have any good things to tell.

no bad stuff either
but just boredom
hope you are well
have fun!
my motherboard on my pc officially crapped out today. first the network card disappeared, and now usb no longer exists... so i am officially a monogamous mac user now....
die, windows, die!!!
although i actually bought a new pc game today- before everything went all pear shaped-- a d&d game called "pool of radiance". so gay. i am going to try and get a refund...
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die, windows, die!!!
although i actually bought a new pc game today- before everything went all pear shaped-- a d&d game called "pool of radiance". so gay. i am going to try and get a refund...
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i feel torn like that too. but i'm finishing school here, undergrad at least. don't know what i'll do after that..
monogamy can be a very good thing.
i remember the mystery of radio when i was young... to a 7 year old in arizona, late night radio transmissions are like messages beamed across the uninhabited void of the desert... to hear a radio station, its signal struggling across from california or texas at 3 am... like a crackling message from another planet... one more worried whisper lied in my ear... i eye...
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what about vomit? is that primal too?
Radio is my invisible god.
I am one of its priests and I worship the silver microphone like a cyborg's phallus every Mon. night.
I am one of its priests and I worship the silver microphone like a cyborg's phallus every Mon. night.
i actually woke up to the sound of a thunderstorm this morning... most rare... it would have been better if i didn't have to ride my bike through it to get to work. i burned a hole in my shoes trying to dry them out with a hairdryer... so i ordered a new pair of shoes off amazon this afternoon... these are them. http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0000AGFD6.01-AQRFB0FG6BNGS.LZZZZZZZ.jpg
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You can send me hello kitty undies. I'd wear them and send you a picture of me in them... and maybe, just maybe, I'd send them back to you so you could hang them on your rearview mirror and sniff them whenever you pull up next to old people in your car.
xoxo Alexis
xoxo Alexis
[Edited on Aug 22, 2003]
[Edited on Aug 22, 2003]
writing an internet journal on a friday night. the dude abides.
i just sat staring at this screen for like 5 minutes... i really have nothing to talk about. my life is very very boring. i shaved my head yesterday... i think i'm going to just buy an electric razor and keep it that way, cause my hair looks stupid and i'm sick of fishing...
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i just sat staring at this screen for like 5 minutes... i really have nothing to talk about. my life is very very boring. i shaved my head yesterday... i think i'm going to just buy an electric razor and keep it that way, cause my hair looks stupid and i'm sick of fishing...
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yay for huge cartoon shoes.
sweden is always nice. where would you want to live?
the west coast? i live there. its really nice. kinda wide open places.
the east coast? stockholm.
up north where its light lots in the summer, dark lots in the winter,
or down south. where they talk funny but i love their accents?
the west coast? i live there. its really nice. kinda wide open places.
the east coast? stockholm.
up north where its light lots in the summer, dark lots in the winter,
or down south. where they talk funny but i love their accents?
i don't know how to start journal entries.
anyway, this weekend I:
1. through sustained and disciplined effort, finished 2 12-packs of beer without getting drunk...
2. bought a dvd/cd-rw drive for my ibook so now i can watch my neil hamburger dvd, and make some mix cd's without transferring everything to my hated pc.
3. watched "winged migration" a nature documentary about- you...
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i don't know how to start journal entries.
anyway, this weekend I:
1. through sustained and disciplined effort, finished 2 12-packs of beer without getting drunk...

2. bought a dvd/cd-rw drive for my ibook so now i can watch my neil hamburger dvd, and make some mix cd's without transferring everything to my hated pc.
3. watched "winged migration" a nature documentary about- you...
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haha, just had to say I love yer membername. that's the best episode of sealab ever!!
ok no headache for now...
you should come here to go to school. its cold, and outdoorsy.
im bored out of my head, contemplating which movie i should check out. dahmer, or fear.com
i dunno.
soooooo tired. feel like im getting sick..that icky feeling that creeps through your bones when youre getting sick...the i cant get comfortable feeling.
want to go to the beach and swim but its a big boating weekend..so too many people
you havent had sex while eating a sandwich??? i have...no not really but once i had sex while on the phone... it was hot.
have a great weekend.
you should come here to go to school. its cold, and outdoorsy.

im bored out of my head, contemplating which movie i should check out. dahmer, or fear.com
i dunno.
soooooo tired. feel like im getting sick..that icky feeling that creeps through your bones when youre getting sick...the i cant get comfortable feeling.
want to go to the beach and swim but its a big boating weekend..so too many people
you havent had sex while eating a sandwich??? i have...no not really but once i had sex while on the phone... it was hot.

have a great weekend.
i downloaded a bunch of My Bloody Valentine videos yesterday. Fucking rad... how can the same human race that dropped nuclear bombs on people create something this beautiful and transcendent? part of the mystery of mankind i guess. where there is great light, there is great darkness...
i gotta get up at 5 in the morning for work on Saturday... sucks but i get paid...
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i gotta get up at 5 in the morning for work on Saturday... sucks but i get paid...
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Oh yes.. I knew this stuff.. just not the official name.
Using the harmonic series you can do some really interesting things with the accordion. I've heard it.. or rather I've thought I did.
Using the harmonic series you can do some really interesting things with the accordion. I've heard it.. or rather I've thought I did.
I actually just listened to an hour long accordion piece of hers only days ago. Good stuff.
scylla's journal entry inspired me to post some of my rambling ideas about the nature of time and how it ties in with my ideas about god and consciousness. none of it is very funny. although, to some, probably marginally funnier than my postings on the boards... but you probably don't want to read it. just letting you know.
there is an infinity loop of...
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there is an infinity loop of...
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woah. Thanks so much about the nepoleon information. You are by far, the most helpfull of all the other helpfull people.
I love your current crush too, she's a sexy lady in general I think.
I love your current crush too, she's a sexy lady in general I think.
Comments from all three Calgary SGs - not bad, man. You should consider moving.