it struck me the other night, ive not had a proper night out since february. yea ive been out but not been drunk or even got in late, just a few beers in town then home.
and you know what i dont mind at all, cept for the lack of socialising outside of work. but meh. my job requires me to talk to multiple people everyday in a industry i really enjoy (plus im the boss, so its even better) plus when im at work, the night before while on site we get a fire going some camp cooked food and a few stubbies or whisky and sit about talking bout life an shiz under the stars.
with my job being rather active and me doing it to the full, i feel so much healthier. getting out in the woods every weekend, running about. active during the week in the shop or gettin out hiking and running, and im returning to rock climbing soon. no need for a gym, the world is my gym.
i guess im quite happy with how life is at the moment. so yea those are things what are happen