it struck me the other night, ive not had a proper night out since february. yea ive been out but not been drunk or even got in late, just a few beers in town then home.
and you know what i dont mind at all, cept for the lack of socialising outside of work. but meh. my job requires me to talk to multiple people...
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mountains days out and hiding in bushes
first mountain of the year, done in a snow storm and white out on summit
So after getting fired from my last job in november (due to a breakdown due to stress and some unfortunate choices of words) a guy whos company ive been doing unpaid weekend work for, for a few years, offered me a job in the company. I can now say that job is coming to fruition, im now running my own event site and helping out...
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we went up a mountain. then had to turn back coz weather was too bad
a hike up helvellyn in the lake district. with awesome fog formations, and beard selie