Well, I am pretty much done with SG. I have 6 months left or so on my subscription because I signed up for 1 year at a time. I am going to cancel it, and pretty much "throw away" my hopes of being an sg photographer. I have done great sets for some great girls but you know what, this company is getting quite ridiculous...
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Good luck!

I don't know you, of course...but I'd have to agree. Good luck.
I'm SICK of being SICK as HELL!! I've had to miss two days of work this week plus multiple days of going home, i've neglected to study for my exam on Monday because i've been sick as hell just vegetating and hoping I don't cough up a lung... there is so much $$ and shit to do that i've missed out because I cought some...
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you're a sicko because you are working yourself to death girlie =0(.
I Don't like that my michelly is sick. AFTER the holidays no more second job buisness, capishe? <3
You already have enough on your plate.
I still have your lens =0)
*Cough* Ebay?
juust kiddding
I Don't like that my michelly is sick. AFTER the holidays no more second job buisness, capishe? <3
You already have enough on your plate.
I still have your lens =0)
*Cough* Ebay?

juust kiddding

hey ^^
I was wondering if u're still in Florida, I am from the far far away Peru and I am going to Marathon Key in December 13 th
It would be awesome if u were my photographer ^^
I was wondering if u're still in Florida, I am from the far far away Peru and I am going to Marathon Key in December 13 th
It would be awesome if u were my photographer ^^
Oh my god
If I wasn't such a procrastinator, I would be so much more successful.
I blame Suicide Girls, Myspace, Model Mayhem, and Ebay for my downfalls.
If I wasn't such a procrastinator, I would be so much more successful.
I blame Suicide Girls, Myspace, Model Mayhem, and Ebay for my downfalls.

I blame them too! 

I demand you update this blog a.s.a.p style =0)
I was backed up in my photography by at least 3 or 4 weeks. I still have some stuff from July that I have been really meaning to get out that I haven't quite yet...
Migranes, headaches, very very painful headaches. The 3 day long headaches, the one sided, somewhat throbbing, wont go away until I pass out headache. All because of work, school, and...
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Migranes, headaches, very very painful headaches. The 3 day long headaches, the one sided, somewhat throbbing, wont go away until I pass out headache. All because of work, school, and...
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The pictures came out amazing michelly. Silvia does such a fantastic job with the makeup, as usual. I'm sorry you've been working your little badunKadunk off, perhaps you should give management a heads up that with school, and photography on the side, you are beginining to feel a little bit overwhelmed.
Have you shot any SG sets?
I loooove you moooooore!!

Minerva Photography Website up and running! YAY Finally! Thank you Yahoo for having your tech support service pull through. Its not a REAL real website, but domain forwarding is just as good if you have a good flash layout, no?
I did tons of photoshoots last week, and tons this week, and tons next week.
I'm so excited
But now.. i'm tired as hell, even...
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I did tons of photoshoots last week, and tons this week, and tons next week.
I'm so excited

But now.. i'm tired as hell, even...
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What store are you talking about?
Wow I love the pics on your website!!!
I'm going to be doing alot of traveling soon. I'm going to Disney Land, I think. The one thats in Florida.
Wow your photography is beautiful!

Whoever is editing the SG photos make me sad. I don't mean to be rude... but they are very very contrasty. The darks are too dark and the lights are too light. I thought it was just the photographer when I saw a couple of the sets but then I realized that every freakin' set in the past week or so the contrast is turned...
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WHY THE FUCK IS MY NAME AVRENIM268029 AND HOW THE FUCK DO I CHANGE IT? Okay thanks SG for screwing up the layout again
And um... life is good
Trying to enjoy it to the fullest.
Even though my work company is going down the drain and they cut my hours to ONE DAY! I mean, I know i'm part time and everything, but please...
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And um... life is good

Trying to enjoy it to the fullest.
Even though my work company is going down the drain and they cut my hours to ONE DAY! I mean, I know i'm part time and everything, but please...
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Thanks honey

Thanks honey
I lUh michelly yessh I duu, I luuh MichellY mo' den yoou! 

Looking for a photographer again
Damn I hate these SG contracts, no one wants to sign the photo release cause it prohibits the photographers to work for anyone else BUT SG... competition wise, so that means no shoots for fetish magazines or websites, etc... and thats huge where I live, theres so many damn fetish photographers that would be more than happy to shoot my...
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Damn I hate these SG contracts, no one wants to sign the photo release cause it prohibits the photographers to work for anyone else BUT SG... competition wise, so that means no shoots for fetish magazines or websites, etc... and thats huge where I live, theres so many damn fetish photographers that would be more than happy to shoot my...
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What a biig HUMUNGUS catrastophe that cramps would decide to EAT me the first day I met you
.. I wish I could have enjoyed last night more, buut I had a jolly time regardless
.IIts a verry rad thing to have learned that embedded within all that beautiful photography, is an amazing and beautiful Hoe
Loove you foo' loong time girl
Tell Carlita I said 'sup'
I look forward to working with you <3

Loove you foo' loong time girl

Tell Carlita I said 'sup'

I look forward to working with you <3
Didn't mean to try and steal Mellooo from you luv.
Can you ever forgive me?

Can you ever forgive me?