Yikes!!! I got lost from the internet for a while but never fear I'm back with a vengeance!!!!!
Truely in seeking out relationships it becomes truely difficult to communicate no matter how verbose one is. Sometimes words elude one or images so lustfully prepared in mind come out dull in description. The voice allows for mood, tone - sweetness or harshness that all the pucntuation in the world cannot imply. Honey sweet words or husky breaths.... leaves out the actual true sound. The true issue for me becomes time. Of course to be quick witted is amazing, but to be so while pontificating presents a rather insoluble problem. Nevertheless one must try.
What's up, Oakland?
Truely in seeking out relationships it becomes truely difficult to communicate no matter how verbose one is. Sometimes words elude one or images so lustfully prepared in mind come out dull in description. The voice allows for mood, tone - sweetness or harshness that all the pucntuation in the world cannot imply. Honey sweet words or husky breaths.... leaves out the actual true sound. The true issue for me becomes time. Of course to be quick witted is amazing, but to be so while pontificating presents a rather insoluble problem. Nevertheless one must try.
What's up, Oakland?

pon-tif-i-cate (v)- to speak about something in a knowing and self-important way, especially when not qualified to do so.
oak-land (n)- a bread basket chalk-full of insoluble pontification