so here i am in Vienna Austria and the group i'm with thought it would be fun to go to a karaoke bar. so i look on-line and i find the Rock Pub. It was one of the fews places that said they had karaoke on a Wednesday so I figured we may as well check it out. so we get to the bar and there's this sign out front with all these crosses through them (as in the no smoking sign). So there was a no peeing out front sign, a no singing loud outside sign, a no pigs sign, and a no techno sign. Already i was smiling. So we venture inside and upstairs they were playing some Metallica. Alright so prettty mellow. But downstairs they had on some Unholy Black Metal from Belgium.... Astriaal blasting through the closed door. As soon as i heard that my smirk became a shit-eating-grin. There were so many long-haired, black-clothes-wearing, smokin'-like-chimneys people there that i almost felt like i was in Big ums back home..... except this place was much more awesome. As soon as i went downstairs i was enocuntered with a large screen projecting video and several shirtless boys headbanging in the middle of the room. I watched for a little while as the jumped around and arched their backs, dancing like male apes fighting over territory... and then Pantera came on. Now as aforementioned this was a Rockaoke bar, and rockaoke was attempted, but being that in the broken-english-with-german-accent words everybody knew to the song were only "Re-Spec- whadda whadda wha wha" not much came of it. I stayed there all night with my Hesher friend Nima and 3 other brave souls from our group, RJ, Lauren and Mike, but everyone else couldn't handle the hell-hot metal hole and left. At this point you may be asking... did you Rockaoke CoCo? and of course i did!!! I sang some 'Paranoid' and 'War Pigs' ala Black Sabbath, a little 'Back in Black' and 'Highway to Hell' from AC/DC, some 'Painkiller' from Judas Priest and of course 'This Love' from Pantera. It was sooo much fun!!

What's Bigums? Is it in Oakland?