i am so bored. i don't want to go anywhere because that involves spending money and i just don't want to right now. i really should be active. go on a walk with my dogs or something. i just can't seem to make myself move though. i keep looking through my slingshot at my friends birthdays and send them little messages.....'did you know that on december 10 1833 that jamaica abolished slavery?' or texting people....'yeah it's cool that uesterday was v-day and all but on feb 15 1966 the Nisqually tribe engaged in a protest 'fish-in' to demand treaty fishing rights' um ultra-dork? definitely. i'm mostly bummed cos my 2 friends that i kick it with most have ditched me. one for her girlfriend and mistress and the other for drugs. they both keep asking me for advice too. 'is it wrong that my gf just moved in and i'm cheating on her?' um.... yes. 'is it wrong that we decided to have an open relationship and i'm not telling her about the other girl?" let me think.... yes. and the other 'is it wrong that i'm smoking speed every day?' hmmm YES!! 'i'm not a tweaker though, i hate tweakers' news flash...... daily use of speed = tweaker. anyone wanna be my friend? casual drug use accepted, just don't complain to me if you use drugs about drugs. in other words hypocrites need not apply. 

Where are you a vet tech? My buns are MAD overdue for their checkup. I feel like a bastard petowner. Much like I feel like a retarded girlfriend. Thematic me, woo!
(Self deprication aside, I'm totally aware of how inaccurate those feelings are.)
heres a kitty for you. for yer cuteness. murr!