I'm dieting in an attempt to lose the weight I gained over christmas and I'm finding it so difficult. I don't know why because I usually have very good willpower, but at the moment I can't seem to stop thinking about food. It doesn't help that I no longer have a treadmill in the house and I can't afford one here because I can barely afford to pay the bills. I need to start running again but I can't afford to join a gym and I can't run outside because running on road fucks my right knee up. I bought a skipping rope, so that I can do jump rope training, but I forgot that this is even more likely to fuck my knee up and so I haven't really been doing much of it. It's like the world is conspiring to keep me from doing what I want to do and it's depressing the shit outta me. This is pretty much all that's on my mind at the moment.

im like that...then all of a sudden, i get a big dose of willpower and determination, hopefully yours will come soon