I'm coloring my hair pink for the weekend and my boss is letting me wear it to work that day on Friday (but only Friday)...so I went ahead and tried to bleach my hair last night. I have dark hair so of course it came out orange-and I was out of bleach...so I had orange hair today. I got another bleach kit and tried it again tonight...it's way lighter but still a bit yellow. So tomorrow I'm going to pick up an almost white blonde color kit and see how it turns out after that...I want it to be nearly white before I put the pink in because I don't know how pink I wanna make it...I think I'm going to try to leave it in just long enough to get a light pink tint...but if it doesn't work out right then I'll just go all the way with it
I'll post pics of all stages -brown-orange-yellow-white-pink
Surprisingly-my hair still feels soft and not fried which is great!
1) What's the occasion?
2) What are you going to do for Monday?