So, last night Jennifer cameover. My friend Shaunette wasn't feeling good, so she's coming over tonight. Jennifer is coming over again too, because her hair isn't blond enough yet. I decolorized it, and then i bleached it, but because she's like a level 2-3 and has color on her hair, I told her it would be a bitch.I tried putting some blond in my hair, but it just won't lift, so I think I'm not gonna bother trying again. The only way I will is if I go to a salon. It'll be a lot of money, but I really don't feel like going through the bs myself.
The diet's going well. Jennifer and I agreed we're gonna do a swimsuit shoot together to celebrate our new beach bods.
We got pretty drunk last night. We got on my boyfriend's X-Box Live and played Call of Duty Nazi Zombies and were being complete assholes. I'm surprised we didn't get kicked off. Omg, he would've killed me if I got his account banned, but it was hilarious.
Oh, we had someone bring in an X-box with red rings of death, so Shaunette printed out one of our Gamestop "Pre-Owned" tags, and we cut it and made this:

Oh noes! The Red Ring Of Death! My 360 is gathering dust... damn thing won't read discs anymore. I miss drunken xbox.
mee too