oof. a lot is going on right now and i need to buck up and manage my time. i am currently in the last three weeks of the last semester i'll ever have to spend here. thank god. (technically that's not true, i'm taking a summer class.) i need to get out of this apartment and just go...somewhere else. i'm going stir-crazy within my own city.
but before i go anywhere, i have a 15 page paper, a mondo photo project, and two mondo animations to do...on top of graphics responsibilities for the school awards ceremonies. i came up with a lower third* the other day, which was well received by the EPs of the show...and as a result i now have to animate that as well. wish me luck.
this weekend was...all right. i worked all day friday and saturday - saturday was okay because it was raining and as a result no one was shopping, but on friday it was like a bomb went off in the store. fuck shoppers. fuck people who knock shit on the floor and don't pick it up. i actually had a woman come up to me two minutes before the store was closing asking for a dressing room. i told her no, our dressing rooms were closed. she had the audacity to ask me if she could just dump all of the clothing she was holding on the scarf bin i was cleaning. i told her to get her ass to the front of the store and dump it at a register. some people...sheesh.
sunday was okay. my boyfriend and i hid eggs for each other...i haven't done that in a long time. and i bought some fun stuff from fabulous RizzoFord. we met at the most romantic of places, IKEA. now i have a new hello kitty thermos and tarot set. woot! and yes, for those who haven't seen, her batman tattoos were quite amazing.
my boyfriend moved his gigantic bookcase full o manga out of my apartment this weekend. it was rather sad to see it go...to give you an idea of how many books he has, check out this bookcase. (he reviews manga and gets free shit all the time...there was just no room left.) it fit about two to three series per shelf, and the entire thing was full. all gone now. but, on the plus side, he left Maison Ikkoku for me to read, and the hallway is a lot bigger again.
in other nerd news, i registered for the Anime Boston...finally. and i'm making a costume so that i can be this lovely lady:
, a.k.a Kaede Smith from my favorite game of all time, Killer 7. it's a simple costume, but i still have to make a gun and find a wig that doesn't look 100% synthetic.
i'm rather excited for the con this year...Veronica Taylor is a guest this year (a.k.a. voice of Ash and May from Pokemon). usually Anime Boston doesn't have their shit together compared to most other cons, but maybe this year will be different. and then when i finally get my butt out of new england i can really nerd out.
and continuing on THAT note, i think i've settled on a theme for a self-shot set...whenever i get around to that...it involves a certain yellow electric cutie.
anyways, i'm supergreat at procrastinating, so here's a list of 25 random things about me, stolen from RizzoFord.
but before i go anywhere, i have a 15 page paper, a mondo photo project, and two mondo animations to do...on top of graphics responsibilities for the school awards ceremonies. i came up with a lower third* the other day, which was well received by the EPs of the show...and as a result i now have to animate that as well. wish me luck.
this weekend was...all right. i worked all day friday and saturday - saturday was okay because it was raining and as a result no one was shopping, but on friday it was like a bomb went off in the store. fuck shoppers. fuck people who knock shit on the floor and don't pick it up. i actually had a woman come up to me two minutes before the store was closing asking for a dressing room. i told her no, our dressing rooms were closed. she had the audacity to ask me if she could just dump all of the clothing she was holding on the scarf bin i was cleaning. i told her to get her ass to the front of the store and dump it at a register. some people...sheesh.
sunday was okay. my boyfriend and i hid eggs for each other...i haven't done that in a long time. and i bought some fun stuff from fabulous RizzoFord. we met at the most romantic of places, IKEA. now i have a new hello kitty thermos and tarot set. woot! and yes, for those who haven't seen, her batman tattoos were quite amazing.
my boyfriend moved his gigantic bookcase full o manga out of my apartment this weekend. it was rather sad to see it go...to give you an idea of how many books he has, check out this bookcase. (he reviews manga and gets free shit all the time...there was just no room left.) it fit about two to three series per shelf, and the entire thing was full. all gone now. but, on the plus side, he left Maison Ikkoku for me to read, and the hallway is a lot bigger again.
in other nerd news, i registered for the Anime Boston...finally. and i'm making a costume so that i can be this lovely lady:

i'm rather excited for the con this year...Veronica Taylor is a guest this year (a.k.a. voice of Ash and May from Pokemon). usually Anime Boston doesn't have their shit together compared to most other cons, but maybe this year will be different. and then when i finally get my butt out of new england i can really nerd out.
and continuing on THAT note, i think i've settled on a theme for a self-shot set...whenever i get around to that...it involves a certain yellow electric cutie.
anyways, i'm supergreat at procrastinating, so here's a list of 25 random things about me, stolen from RizzoFord.
*for those who do not go to tv school, a lower third is the shit that comes up on the bottom part of a screen when someone is introduced on a news show (or any type of show, really). it usually lists the person's name and has a fun graphic.
Olive garden people are retards. Have no mercy.
Math sucks, agreed. I'm in Seattle and right now it's pretty nice out, you should come in the fall. Have fun at the convention! Sakura Con was in town a week ago and although I didn't go I saw a lot of people in costumes walking around downtown.