i havent been on here for ages !
i have quit college today, not because it was hard or anything, i loved it but ive decided to enjoy my life and just have no stress for a bit. id been with my ex since i was 20 till now (23) and despite the fact that i loved him, i wasnt happy so thats that first 3 years of my 20's gone, not that i regret a second! (i dont sdee the point in regrets, we're in control!) but i cant go back and change anything, i dont want to spend the next 5 years studying, stressed out and living with mom and dad to qualify at 28 and have missed out on my 20's.
im gonna get a mon-fri job that pays enough for me to maintain a flat and go out at the weekend, and that's all im gonna need.
im feeling so happy right now and this is how i want to stay for a long time.
i wanna come back to the midwifery coz its still what i want to do but ill never get my 20s back so i want to make sure i enjoy the rest of them x (essay over lol)

i have quit college today, not because it was hard or anything, i loved it but ive decided to enjoy my life and just have no stress for a bit. id been with my ex since i was 20 till now (23) and despite the fact that i loved him, i wasnt happy so thats that first 3 years of my 20's gone, not that i regret a second! (i dont sdee the point in regrets, we're in control!) but i cant go back and change anything, i dont want to spend the next 5 years studying, stressed out and living with mom and dad to qualify at 28 and have missed out on my 20's.
im gonna get a mon-fri job that pays enough for me to maintain a flat and go out at the weekend, and that's all im gonna need.
im feeling so happy right now and this is how i want to stay for a long time.
i wanna come back to the midwifery coz its still what i want to do but ill never get my 20s back so i want to make sure i enjoy the rest of them x (essay over lol)

I hope everything works out. I did that too. The only problem is I am 35 and trying to finish my doctorate in psychology. It sucks and fun all at one time... I wouldn't trade my fun times they were great...
I am so glad to see you on here. OK beautiful have a wonderful week.