hey hey hey! thank you lukedreds for renewing my membership you lovely lovely man you! -i'll pay you back or see you right with french cheese! Also thank you for copying our CD to give to the cafebar - hopefully we'll get a gig - fingers crossed hey!
its nice to be back dudes.
you're all well sweet
chat soon
mim x
its nice to be back dudes.
you're all well sweet
chat soon
mim x
dam that play was scary - was talking to Dave at FRESH about this morning and he saw it in London and thought it was pretty dam good too.
you know that really cool live hip hop band I saw at the maze a couple of weeks ago that I was telling you about?? well they are playing at Malt Cross on sat. I know you aren't up for staying out late but Malt Cross closes at 11 anyways so you interested???