I have 3 weeks of school left. I can't wait for it all to be done. Everyone seems to be in angry moods. I'm really unsure why? but I have been spending more time alone. I don't really mind this but I don't know. the days seem to drag a little but the weeks go past in flashes leaving me wondering when I will have a minute to just sit and not think a single thought. It feels impossibly far away. who knows. I just want the weather to gfet super warm so I can pack away my sweaters and live in the same skirt and tank top for 4 days. summmer how i absolutely love it.
Its like I'm seasonly bipolar. In the winter I am a hermit who is most likelky sad or grumpy and tired.
then when summer hits *boom* I'll soooo happy and have so much energy. Its wonderful. time to get wrok done. meh school is too long.
I feel I made the wrong decision to decide to go to summer school. whoops.

then when summer hits *boom* I'll soooo happy and have so much energy. Its wonderful. time to get wrok done. meh school is too long.
I feel I made the wrong decision to decide to go to summer school. whoops.
I can't wait for the sunny weather, too! The next few bucks I get I'm going to order a boybeater. I need some sun on my winter-white arms +o)