It's official now. I'm postponing the remodelling of my house. My physical is scheduled for January 4th, so it's impossible to get all the paperwork passed before the end of the year. It just sucks. And not just because everything has to wait for a year. The fact that I'm apparently a risk due to my weight, makes me feel even fatter than I did before. Bleh.
This weekend I have to finish up Christmas shopping and stuff. I also have to burn a bunch of dvd'sfor my mom and brother, and wrap gifts.
In good news: I have a week and a half off from work
. I really needed it, too. I'm still doing well with reducing my meds (down from 3 tablets/day to 1), but I've been sleeping very poorly. My meds help me sleep, too, and I'm missing that right now. I keep waking up every 2 hours or so, it's exhausting. The current stress at work isn't helping either. Hopefully these couple of days off will help me rest and relax a bit.
I'm thinking about doing one of my food blogs again when I make Christmas dinner. Are any of you interested in another food blog?
I don't know if you have this tradition abroad, but here in NL almost everyone gets a Christmas package from their employer. Traditionally a box with food stuff, though the past few years a lot of companies let you choose your own present. Because I have 2 employers, I get 2 gifts
. I got a box with fair trade stuff (juices, chocolate, wine, etc), and I got a Dutch themed box with some Delft Blue cups and saucers and some Dutch products. Those packages are always fun to open, see what you got
Who wants to come over and warm me up? It's so cold here lately! No snow though unfortunately
. Though all the trees and stuff are white. I hope it snows before the end of the year
This weekend I have to finish up Christmas shopping and stuff. I also have to burn a bunch of dvd'sfor my mom and brother, and wrap gifts.
In good news: I have a week and a half off from work

I'm thinking about doing one of my food blogs again when I make Christmas dinner. Are any of you interested in another food blog?
I don't know if you have this tradition abroad, but here in NL almost everyone gets a Christmas package from their employer. Traditionally a box with food stuff, though the past few years a lot of companies let you choose your own present. Because I have 2 employers, I get 2 gifts

Who wants to come over and warm me up? It's so cold here lately! No snow though unfortunately

I am so glad this week is finally over, I will have the next 4 1/2 days off, amnd boy do I need it!!!...I have been letting all the stress from everything really getting to me, and its taking its toll...sleep has been ok for the most part, but I have been crying alot and sick to my stomach...I have to keep it together for my family.
food. blogging. of course! lol i dont imagine there will be too much for me to drool over but im still excited to find out how your dinner goes. thats interesting about the boxing tradition we dont have that here and i find it to be curious. i couldnt imagine my boss doing that.
im glad you got double the goodies tho!!