I also set up the tree at work. It's an itty-bitty one, but it's cute :
(My co-worker in the background is cute, too, but she wasn't in the mood for pictures .)
I brought this tree pne of my first Christmas's at my current job (over 5 years ago already!), and I've been upgrading it every year . My boss loves it. The first year, we didn't even have ornaments, so we made little balls out of yellow and white post-it notes and hung them in the tree with paperclips. The second Christmas brought tiny ornaments, and last year I even put lights in it. December marks the beginning of our busy season at work, and I found the tree really motivates our department.
What else has been going on? Well, it's been really busy. The funeral, finishing stuff at work, dinner with the department. I kinda regret going to dinner, though. It was fun, but I really didn't have the energy for it. With work being so busy and me reducing my meds, I'm pretty beat at the end of the day. I didn't get home untill 11, and it left me exhausted the rest of the week. Reducing my meds is still going well by the way. Other than running out of energy faster, I haven't noticed any withdrawals or anything. If it keeps going this well, I'm going to reduce to 1 tablet a day at the end of the week.
Other than decorating the tree, I spent most of the weekend in bed. I've been very tired, and had a migraine all Sunday. I think I'm getting sick again . Sleeping helped a lot though.
I still need input for Chistmas dinner!
On themeds I am fine, I am still at 7.25mg. of Paxil and I stopped all the herbal stuff since i was mainly using that during the withdrawl stage...I am ok right now, having emo ups and downs at times, but ok. I am waiting till after the holidays to lower myself again.