'ello lovelies
It's been over a week since my last update, what have I been up to since I last blogged? Not that much really, I've been living quite a boring life lately. Hence me not blogging all that much, there's little to blog about. Overall, I just haven't been on my computer as much as I used to. And when I was, I was either working on something, or not feeling really sociable. I did watch quite a bit of CSI the past week, I started at season 1 and am now well into season 3.
I also spent a lot of time thinking about the plans I have for my house, not just esthetically (what do I want?), but also technically (what can I do myself, and what do I need to hire a contractor for?), and financially (can I afford it?). I have an appointment with a contractor Wednesday evening for a quote, so I'll have an idea of what it's going to cost me. This weekend I drew very detailed floorplans on a 1/10th scale, marking where I want walls, electrical outlets, plumbing, heating and all that jazz. That should help explain my plans to the contractor, and getting a good quote. All that's left to decide on, is what cladding I want on the outside, and if I want a big window or double doors from the diningroom area to the back yard. I tried to take a picture of the floorplans, but it was blue pen on blue millimetre (grid) paper, so it didn't come off well on film (well, memorycard technically
). Also, my back yard is a total mess, so not shooting pictures of that anytime soon
. So I still owe you.
I should make an appointment with my bank relatively soon. Even though I won't be building before spring or summer, I want the paperwork to pass before the end of the year. That way I can include it in my tax return over 2007 that's due march 31 st, meaning I can get (part of) the costs of my new mortgage back in spring 2008. If the paperwork passes after december 31st, I'll have to wait another year and include it in my tax return for 2008. I'd rather have my money now than after a year
I did do some research already, and I think refinancing should give me enough money for at least my basic plans, with only slightly higher monthly costs due to lower interest rates. And with my tax return and vacation pay coming in the next few months, and the money I have in my savings account, I should have a little buffer in case my mortgage turns out to not be enough to cover the whole thing. That might mean that I'm not coming to the good ol' US of A this summer, but rather put that money towards my house. If I can, of course, I'd rather do both. But it'll depend on how much money I'll have left.
In other news: my nose isn't dripping anymore. Rather than leaky plumbing, it now feels like I have thick wallpaper paste stuck up my nose. I'm not sure if that's actually better, or worse
For those of you that are wondering how the lovely Saveme/Pajamamama is doing: she's doing alright
. Her and Boogalooshrimp have moved into their new house recently, though they're still hard at work getting the place done. I think she said the remodeling will be finished mid-november, then she can start to settle in. She doesn't have internet right now, apart from the (*very*) crappy signal that she can pick up from one of her neighbours every now and again, I don't know when she'll be back online. But her and I try and keep in touch on a regular basis
. Maybe I'll try and see if I can get her back on SG when she's settled in, and her internet is a little more reliable.
Her back is doing a little better, the shots she got seem to be working. Most of the pain is gone she said, so yay
. I hate seeing her in pain, she's such a great lady who doesn't deserve to hurt so much.
Ok, enough rambling for now. I think I have bored enough people with my remodeling plans at this point

It's been over a week since my last update, what have I been up to since I last blogged? Not that much really, I've been living quite a boring life lately. Hence me not blogging all that much, there's little to blog about. Overall, I just haven't been on my computer as much as I used to. And when I was, I was either working on something, or not feeling really sociable. I did watch quite a bit of CSI the past week, I started at season 1 and am now well into season 3.
I also spent a lot of time thinking about the plans I have for my house, not just esthetically (what do I want?), but also technically (what can I do myself, and what do I need to hire a contractor for?), and financially (can I afford it?). I have an appointment with a contractor Wednesday evening for a quote, so I'll have an idea of what it's going to cost me. This weekend I drew very detailed floorplans on a 1/10th scale, marking where I want walls, electrical outlets, plumbing, heating and all that jazz. That should help explain my plans to the contractor, and getting a good quote. All that's left to decide on, is what cladding I want on the outside, and if I want a big window or double doors from the diningroom area to the back yard. I tried to take a picture of the floorplans, but it was blue pen on blue millimetre (grid) paper, so it didn't come off well on film (well, memorycard technically

I should make an appointment with my bank relatively soon. Even though I won't be building before spring or summer, I want the paperwork to pass before the end of the year. That way I can include it in my tax return over 2007 that's due march 31 st, meaning I can get (part of) the costs of my new mortgage back in spring 2008. If the paperwork passes after december 31st, I'll have to wait another year and include it in my tax return for 2008. I'd rather have my money now than after a year

I did do some research already, and I think refinancing should give me enough money for at least my basic plans, with only slightly higher monthly costs due to lower interest rates. And with my tax return and vacation pay coming in the next few months, and the money I have in my savings account, I should have a little buffer in case my mortgage turns out to not be enough to cover the whole thing. That might mean that I'm not coming to the good ol' US of A this summer, but rather put that money towards my house. If I can, of course, I'd rather do both. But it'll depend on how much money I'll have left.
In other news: my nose isn't dripping anymore. Rather than leaky plumbing, it now feels like I have thick wallpaper paste stuck up my nose. I'm not sure if that's actually better, or worse

For those of you that are wondering how the lovely Saveme/Pajamamama is doing: she's doing alright

Her back is doing a little better, the shots she got seem to be working. Most of the pain is gone she said, so yay

Ok, enough rambling for now. I think I have bored enough people with my remodeling plans at this point

best of luck to you on this house project. sounds exciting! i wish i had a house i could fix up and remodel, but for now, stuck living with my mom in an apartment. in 5 months and 26 days...or 178 days...i will then have a new roommate.
i have been living with the stuffed-nose thing for awhile, and i don't know what's worse...running and sniffly, or stuffed up. neither are enjoyable.
take care. talk soon.