I took today and yesterday off
. I was calculating my remaining days off for this year as I had to make a planning untill December, and discovered I still had almost 4 weeks left. Oh, the benefits of having a contract for 38 hours a week but working 40 (or more)
. Well that, and carrying over 2 weeks from last year
. So anyway, I decided to treat myself to some time off. The projects I'm working on this month have both been delayed a few days, so this week was probably the best time anyway
. And it gave me some more time to adjust to this time schedule again, I haven't been sleeping well since I got back. I'm feeling a lot more rested now though
So what did I do on these 2 glorious days off? Well, to be honest: just about nothing
. Yesterday I went shopping with my brother. Who is currently in a wheelchair for a few days after hitting a pole with his knee driving his moped in the rain, spraining his left ankle and right knee. He'll be fine, he runs into things all the damn time. Maybe this time he'll learn to drive a little more safe, and that there are actually a whole bunch of settings between "throttle closed" and "throttle opened fully"
. Anyway, I pushed his ass around for like 2.5 hours (including a good portion uphill), so I got my work-out. The rest of the day I spent mostly playing with Oz and chatting to some people.
Today I slept untill noon (after briefly waking up around 8 to call work that I was taking today off as well), while I usually don't even sleep untill 9 or 10 when I'm off. Guess I needed it
. After lunch and playing with Oz, I decided to watch Cruel Intentions again. I had bought it a few weeks ago, and after hearing a song from Placebo (that was featured in the movie) the other day I felt like watching it
. And why am I such a sap lately? Usually my favoutite scenes are where they're plotting together. But this time, it were the scenes where Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillipe held hands for the first time in his car, and this scene,
where he waits for her at the top of the escalator. I think it's getting time to find a girlfriend
Anyway. No plans yet for the rest of the day, or most of the weekend. However, my brother's new girlfriend is coming over on Sunday, for her first dinner with me and my parents. So I kind of have to impress
. Not sure what I'm cooking yet, any ideas?
That's it for now
. Tell me about all of your weekend plans

So what did I do on these 2 glorious days off? Well, to be honest: just about nothing

Today I slept untill noon (after briefly waking up around 8 to call work that I was taking today off as well), while I usually don't even sleep untill 9 or 10 when I'm off. Guess I needed it

where he waits for her at the top of the escalator. I think it's getting time to find a girlfriend

Anyway. No plans yet for the rest of the day, or most of the weekend. However, my brother's new girlfriend is coming over on Sunday, for her first dinner with me and my parents. So I kind of have to impress

That's it for now
