Week 3 of me buying a season of House and spending all weekend watching it, and Oz enjoying his tv/cuddletime with me. He's gonna be sad there are no more seasons of House left to buy for a few more months
, I think it's his favourite show of the moment, too
. My life is very boring lately it seems. I don't mind that...
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I am glad your feeling better, I am too....the med thig has now gone well for me, although it started out rather rough....I will be waiting quite a while before I try and get off again, we got too much going on in our lives right now, gotta wait till life settles down a bit.
oh snap shout out! i hope to spend most of my summer days at the beach. being in the ocean state i have been going through serious atlantic withdrawals since summer. i also am hoping to get a new fucking job already one that gives me adequate vacation time to spend visiting my favorite SG'ers!

I'm sitting here, staring at my meds. I'm down to the last strip of this batch. My emotional side and my rational side are fighting over if I should renew my presciption or not. I know I'm not ready to quit yet, but I so want to be done with them.
Work has been crazy busy. On the upside, I lost 3 pounds this week....
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Work has been crazy busy. On the upside, I lost 3 pounds this week....
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i miss u! *hug* i look forward to seeing you again this summer!
honestly, v-day is overrated...it's just become this big day for kids to get sugared up, and to be pressured into spending money on "special" stuff (special meaning expensive) when you shouldn't need a special day to show your loved ones you care. glenn feels pretty much the same. i don't need v-day to say that i love ya!
honestly, v-day is overrated...it's just become this big day for kids to get sugared up, and to be pressured into spending money on "special" stuff (special meaning expensive) when you shouldn't need a special day to show your loved ones you care. glenn feels pretty much the same. i don't need v-day to say that i love ya!

Take the meds for as long as you need them. There is no reason to go off anything you need. I wish it was summer too. I want nice weather so I can go outside and walk and do stuff...damn it!! Do you know when you are coming yet, or have you not figured it out? Valentine's Day is fine. We didn't buy each other anything, lack 'o funds you know. We made stuff instead. Did you call for the appraisal yet???? YOU NEED to get on that. 

I shouldn't have shaved off my beard. My 3 chins are sticking out like a sore thumb
House is awesome. I just bought the first season on dvd, and started watching the show again from the start. It rocks.
I also bought some stuff for my pasta machine. I got a ravioli attachment, pappardelle attachment, and a thing to hang/dry pasta. So hopefully, you'll...
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House is awesome. I just bought the first season on dvd, and started watching the show again from the start. It rocks.
I also bought some stuff for my pasta machine. I got a ravioli attachment, pappardelle attachment, and a thing to hang/dry pasta. So hopefully, you'll...
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Well a lack of passport and a dislike of planes may prevent that for a while.

Happy Valentine's Day Mister!!! xoxox Me
I didn't mean to do that.
Don't stress out. There is no need to. You will be great at work!! 

i kicked ass at my cat review today woo hoo 

Time for an update I think. This week just felt so weird. As some of you might now, my grandma and uncle lived just down the street from my parents, and I go past their house every day. And every day, they'd be sitting in ront of the window, waving at me when I passed them. Every day, since I was 12. I still expect...
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What is a Dean's List?
"In order to achieve Dean's List...a student must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher..."
"In order to achieve Dean's List...a student must have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher..."
i'm so sorry about your uncle again. i hope everything is going better.
miss you muah
miss you muah

Thanks to everyone for the support.
My mom and dad are pretty shaken up, but they're doing ok. Seeing my mom was the closest of my uncle's siblings, her and my dad are taking care of everything. They don't know much about financial and legal stuff though, so I'm helping them wherever I can (putting that degree in business economics to good use). This weekend...
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My mom and dad are pretty shaken up, but they're doing ok. Seeing my mom was the closest of my uncle's siblings, her and my dad are taking care of everything. They don't know much about financial and legal stuff though, so I'm helping them wherever I can (putting that degree in business economics to good use). This weekend...
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I'm glad you're doing better hun, and I find it really loyal? amazing? that you're helping your family out with this kinda stuff... I'm here for you if you wanna talk ok?

My uncle died of a heart attack this morning, on his way home from the dr.
He's the one that took care of my grandma untill she passed away a month or
so ago. I'm trying to finish up stuff here at work, so I can go home and see
how my mom's doing. She lost a mother and a brother all in one month....
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He's the one that took care of my grandma untill she passed away a month or
so ago. I'm trying to finish up stuff here at work, so I can go home and see
how my mom's doing. She lost a mother and a brother all in one month....
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sorry to hear about the loss of your uncle...and so soon after the loss of your grandmother as well.
i wish you and your family peace in this sad time.
if you need to talk, you know how to find me. *hugs* 
i wish you and your family peace in this sad time.

thats good that you can go and be there for your family (and vice versa)
Someone jumped in front of a train this morning. I hate when that happens. Because I live at a terminus of a train line, if something happens between here and 2 towns away (where this line connects to another), me along with several thousand other people are pretty much stuck. And for some reason, they always jump either in the middle of rush hour, or...
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and this comment.

Someone did that yesterday here. It was downtown, not close to rush hour, but it did affect my friend.

Time for a less angst-filled blog. I hate it when I get all worked up over stupid things. Thank you guys for all the comments.
I don't know what's up with my house, but I think it hates me
. This weekend, my tv upstairs died on me, the light in my bedroom went *poof*, my closet collapsed, and my heater wasn't working. The closet...
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I don't know what's up with my house, but I think it hates me

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Yeah, blowing up sounds cooler, but I've never herd a TV whistling, so, I guess it would be just as impressive, LOL...
I have my physical tomorrow. And it's seriously putting me in a not-so-great mood. Not because I'm really worried about the outcome (and it's effect on my life insurance/mortgage), I eat healthy and I get plenty of exercise (I don't own a car). But I've always been very conscious about my weight, and having to do this test just makes me feel even worse about...
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I think we have both done well this past year!...I am glad your dr thing went well.

sounds like you're doing everything you can to be healthy...you're healthier than I am! your family history is definitely a concern, but there's nothing more you can possibly do. did your doc suggest anything? did he seem concerned about your weight? did you get results from the blood work?