So last night i shot the rookie practice of the OHIO ROLLER GIRLS and i was a bit disappointed. not in the girls mind you but in myself. see, i hold myself in a high regard to know how to shoot just about anything. Whether its body landscapes to baseball, i can do it. but last night was rough. the skate place was dark as hell, theyre moving like nascars, and i have a ity bity flash can only be propped by my gear i use for weddings. so lame. at least i had my boss's 'Big Bertha' with me. (bitchin' lens, no need for details i know its awesome) so it saved me there. theres a scrimmage on thursday at USA Skates so im gonna try again. wish me luck@!
Reluctant Ginger...
Reluctant Ginger...

Edit: I just realized that link is unlikely to work. Here's the image without the story.