Hey there, hi there, ho there! Wow, I have got to start posting more often! I have a computer now so there's really no excuse. Alright, alright...it's Myspace!!! I'm an addict I swear.*clears throat* Anywho, things have been well, a little confusing lately. You know when you end a relationship with someone and a little while later, they come back apologizing and saying they really want a second chance? Well, that's whats happening with me and Anna. And of course, against my better judgement, I agreed to at least entertain the idea of trying to work things out. I should really start listening to my gut. Now things are in a weird spot cuz when we hang out, we cuddle and laugh and it's just like we're together again. Except we're not. She hasn't cut down on her drinkning (which was a problem to begin with) and shes just doing the same things that screwed up our relationship in the first place. One minute she's talking about how we're gonna get married one day, and the next, when I try to kiss her goodbye on the cheek, she's saying that we're moving too fast and she's scared of starting over again. WTF?! I just don't understand. It's like she's 2 different people sometimes. And I guess it's just as much my fault because I keep giving her the benefit of the doubt. I dunno. But I did meet this awesome girl named Ange. She's really cool and we have a lot of fun together (we've only hung out twice though.) We talk on the phone and text all the time. Right now I don't see it going any further than friends but I guess we'll see what happens with it. Anyway, hope you all have a fabulous week. Thanks for reading this garbage!

hunni to me it sounds like anna doesn't know what the hell she wants and you need to ask her and if she can't be honest with you you'd be better off without her harsh words i know but ive been messed around before and i dont wanna see you get hurt