Holy mother of Pearl!!! It's been so long that I don't even know how to get around this new and improved site yet! It's quite the pain in the ass not having a computer, and now that I live so far away from Rob, it's hard to get a chance to update. Things are really good though. I just got a new job, working in a pre school so I'm super excited about that. I actually start next Monday! Hurray for wiping little kids snotty noses and runny asses!! I'm looking forward to that. Things with me and Marcy, my roommate, are really good too. It's awesome to live with someone who dosn't make me wanna throw up in my mouth. Me and Anna are doing good too. It's been awesome these past few months. Just being able to really get to know her and appreciate her. She truly is an amazing person. Well, enuff with the mushy shit. I gotta dash, they only allow 10 mins at the library. Yes, the library. P.S. Should be getting internet again soon so I'll be around more often. I hope you guys are doing great!!!!

So glad to hear that its all going well for you 

Thanks for the note. Things are getting better around here. Whereabouts are you in NYS (if only 20 mins or so from Geneva)? Maybe you and your roomie could meet up with me and my g/f sometime and hang out.