Hello all!! Oh gosh, it's been so long since I've updated! Things are going pretty good. My cheap ass hasn't gotten my internet service up since I moved from my old place. I'm at Robs now, so I decided to drop a quick line. Just hangin' out, havin' a few beers. Wow, things have certainly been different for me lately. Besides the move and having a roomate--which is great by the way--I found a special someone!! Her name is Anna. She's fuckin' great, things are going rather well right now. I'm really excited about it. It's just odd because I've never actually dated a girl, but it just feels right with her. Oh yeah, I'm shooting my first set in a couple of weeks!! I got a cool idea, and a friend who's really good with a camera...wish me luck people
Alright, have a good week

let me know i miss you
also, i'm trying to get a darien lake event around for end of aug/beginning of sept possibly. check out the thread in the group for more info and let me know what you think.
your new (slightly pushier, but well intended) group owner