So, where to begin? The weather is absolutley fabulous, I'm in love with spring. It seems like the winter has just been dragging on. Things are going rather well for me. School is decent, considering I'm only taking one class. It gives me a lot of time to just relax and hang out. I did my first scarification piece last week. Rob let me scalpel a star on his leg. It actually turned out pretty nice. Depth is something that I need to work on, but all in all, it was good. I've been trying to really watch people who have been doing it for years, and have been asking a ton of questions. I really like it. Things with me & my ex are the same. We've been talking on the phone almost everynight, which I have to say, has been pretty nice. I guess we'll see what happens. In other news, two of my friends just found out that they're pregnant. Neither one under pleasant circumstances. Both of the men involved are giant pieces of shit, and don't really care. It sucks but everything happens for a reason. Things will work out for them, I know it. Aight, folks, that's all I got for now. Have a wonderful week!
we have shows once a month.. Ill keep ya updated!

yeah things to happen for a reason...just look at Lyric and I