Hey all. Hope things are well. Me? I'm doin' just dandy. Let's see what's been up. Well, school started a while ago. I like it alright, I guess. It's only once a week so it could be a lot worse. Ohh...today I get to go watch my friend Rob squirm under the tattoo gun!!! He's getting a pretty big piece on his tummy. That should be interesting
I got my lip pierced yesterday. It's pretty cute but it hurts like hell because I keep fuckin' with it. I know, I know, I should just leave it alone. The best part of today---NO WORK

Alright, that's all for now. I'll leave you with this: The day has just begun, go forth and spread the word of man.

ohh..everyones tested...and the guy i would be doing it with........yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy

things are great!!! I'm still counting the days until her release (47). I am going to see her when she moves to a halfway house in Dallas which will hopfully be later in the month. and then she will come and spend some time with me on the road once Jamie, that is the baby's name, is able to travel.