It's raining and dark out, even though it's day.I always get that feeling of being sort of out of touch with myself when the weather is like this. I get sort of anxious and I don't like it. I just talked to my best friend Rob. He makes me feel better without even knowing he's doing it.We're gonna meet up to hang out for a while before I have class.=)Yay!!
More Blogs
Monday Dec 04, 2006
Hey there, hi there, ho there! Wow, I have got to start posting more … -
Friday Sep 29, 2006
Sooo sick. I feel like I've just been hit by a truck. Everyone at the… -
Monday Sep 25, 2006
Ahh, isn't it funny how life can be so good one minute and so fuckin … -
Wednesday Aug 30, 2006
Holy mother of Pearl!!! It's been so long that I don't even know how … -
Friday Jun 09, 2006
Hello all!! Oh gosh, it's been so long since I've updated! Things are… -
Sunday May 07, 2006
Hello all! It's been oh so long since I've updated. Been super busy l… -
Monday Apr 17, 2006
So I'm in this huge fight with Rob, which really sucks cause he's lik… -
Friday Apr 07, 2006
Hello all. Things are actually happening and I'm so excited! For a wh… -
Sunday Apr 02, 2006
new name. new pic. new leaf. -
Tuesday Mar 28, 2006
So, where to begin? The weather is absolutley fabulous, I'm in love w…