Hello again! Man, it's time for a new bed--mine really sux! I hope everyone's weekend was good. Sunday a friend and I went to my cousin's to make some delicious vegan sugar cookies. They are o so good! I spent a lot of time playing with her two year old son. He's so cute and really getting big. He threw a fit because he couldn't have anymore cookies and ended up throwing one across the kitchen--little bad ass! I wonder just how long his terrible two's will last.
More Blogs
Sunday Mar 19, 2006
Things are decent latley. I'm getting excited about spring time. Righ… -
Sunday Mar 05, 2006
So today is pretty nice out. Fuckin' cold but sunshiney at least. Thi… -
Wednesday Feb 15, 2006
Hey all. Hope things are well. Me? I'm doin' just dandy. Let's see wh… -
Tuesday Jan 31, 2006
HELLO!!! Holy crap, it seems like it's been forever since I've been a… -
Wednesday Jan 18, 2006
Hello all. Hope things are good. My computer is shitting the bed as w… -
Thursday Jan 12, 2006
Hello all. Not too much has been happening in my life lately. Pretty … -
Saturday Jan 07, 2006
Guess what?! I got a new piercing yesterday! I got a vertical hood pi… -
Saturday Dec 31, 2005
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! So... it's the end of 2005, a pretty good year fo… -
Thursday Dec 22, 2005
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Thursday Dec 15, 2005
Hello! Not too much has been going on latley--hence my reason for not…
Glad you had a good weekend...mine was pretty cool aswell