Ugggghhhh...just two more finals left, and I will officially be free for awhile! I'm super worried about my Prob & Stats final, which is Thursday..I made an 88(highest grade I've made this whole semester in this class) on the last test, but those were like, the easiest chapters in the whole course. And the final is comprehensive, so I believe that I'm say a little prayer or do a little jiggle for me for good luck!
But next week I get my tattoo!!!! I'm super pumped, and can NOT wait! I've been tempted a few times to call the shop to see if they can get me in on a sooner date.lolololol
That's how anxious I am...
I've been pondering quite a bit lately about what I want for Christmas this year, because my fiancee told me that I can get another pet to add to our little family. I really really REALLY wanted another dog, but after we asked our landlord, she said that we cant have 2 dogs
So he said that we can either get a cat, or small animal. Well, another rule at our apartments is that dogs and cats have to be at least 2 years old, and cats have to declawed in the front. And usually, cats are extremely moody, and I'm kinda afraid to get one that old, because you never know how they are..So....I have decided that...I AM GETTING A HEDGEHOG!!!!!!
I'm super happy and excited

I feel as if I am going to combust from excitement!!! They're just so cute, and adorable, and fluffy, and spikey all at the same goddamn time!!!!! AHHHHH!!!

I'm needing ideas for a name though..I really like Lilly or Libby for a girl, or Pokey for either, but the fiancee highly dislikes Pokey, even though I honestly think it's adorable and clever
So do you all have any ideas???
Well, I guess it's back to studying
How bout you all go give some love to White Stripes for me??? It definitely needs some more love if it's going to be FP one of these(hopefully soon!) days!
But next week I get my tattoo!!!! I'm super pumped, and can NOT wait! I've been tempted a few times to call the shop to see if they can get me in on a sooner date.lolololol

I've been pondering quite a bit lately about what I want for Christmas this year, because my fiancee told me that I can get another pet to add to our little family. I really really REALLY wanted another dog, but after we asked our landlord, she said that we cant have 2 dogs

I'm super happy and excited

Well, I guess it's back to studying


hello beautiful
I have a hedgie and i love her to death! Her name is lena but we call her lena bug and pokie chog. There are a lot of things you have to watch out for when getting one though so just make sure that there is a gaurentee against wobbly hedgehog syndrome also watch for mites and stuff. But you can buy like a big tub and my hedgie likes to have some fleece in her cage i also bought her a heaty pad because you feel terrible when they get cold. I think Libby bear would be an adorable name! =) I love lena bug even if she is getting older she is still so adorable like a baby =D OH and make sure that you buy from a breeder they are nicer! =) Good luck lady i cannot wait to see!