Hello everyone! How are you all?? I've been bombarded with school, work, and play practice...crappy excuse for not blogging regularly, I know, but...it happens. But anywho...THANK YOU ALL FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISHES!! I really appreciate it
It was a fun one
The whipped cream was definitely one of my faves..gotta find something other than sprite and sierra mist to mix all this tasty stuff up with though..
But the funniest thing happened to me the day before my birthday though...and when I say funny, I mean ridiculously terrifying..
I kinda decided to start deer season a bit early.lol. It ran into me though...how I didn't die, I have no idea..It was my first accident, so..it was super scary. Some nice guy pulled over and called the police for me and helped me to the other side of the road, which left me believing that there is still hope for mankind. I DID get an antler out of the whole thing though.
It did leave us officially without a car for about a month, which was completely irritating and annoying, since we had to depend on my boyfriend's mother for transportation..and OH...MY...GOD...HOW my boyfriend grew up with her without killing her or himself, I have no clue...that woman is crazy..like...omg...so ridiculously irritating. I think I'd rather her hate me.
But thankfully we found a car the other day, bc I honestly didn't think that I would make it one more day. It's a cute little 2000 Mazda, so I like it
Anyways, here's some random pics that I've taken since last blog!
A little bird found it's way into one of the carts at work and rode with the guest the whole time they were shopping.lol
My little doggy
Playing with the halloween stuff at work:
My new hair
The before and after..and yes, I realize my hair looks disgustingly nasty in the befores.lol
How my hair is determined to look every morning when I wake up
And here's some sexy little pics that was taken the SAME DAY as my first set "Serenity" AND second set(betcha yall didn't know they were on the same day!) "White Stripes" but I have yet to upload some of the testers from shoot.
Talking about my sets, how about you all go show some love to "White Stripes" !!! It needs some major love if it's going to be FP!!!!

The whipped cream was definitely one of my faves..gotta find something other than sprite and sierra mist to mix all this tasty stuff up with though..
But the funniest thing happened to me the day before my birthday though...and when I say funny, I mean ridiculously terrifying..

I kinda decided to start deer season a bit early.lol. It ran into me though...how I didn't die, I have no idea..It was my first accident, so..it was super scary. Some nice guy pulled over and called the police for me and helped me to the other side of the road, which left me believing that there is still hope for mankind. I DID get an antler out of the whole thing though.

But thankfully we found a car the other day, bc I honestly didn't think that I would make it one more day. It's a cute little 2000 Mazda, so I like it

Anyways, here's some random pics that I've taken since last blog!
A little bird found it's way into one of the carts at work and rode with the guest the whole time they were shopping.lol


My little doggy

Playing with the halloween stuff at work:

My new hair

How my hair is determined to look every morning when I wake up

And here's some sexy little pics that was taken the SAME DAY as my first set "Serenity" AND second set(betcha yall didn't know they were on the same day!) "White Stripes" but I have yet to upload some of the testers from shoot.

Talking about my sets, how about you all go show some love to "White Stripes" !!! It needs some major love if it's going to be FP!!!!

Happy you made it out alive.