Soooo, I'm pretty sure this game is like, yall's favorite thing White Stripes went from 1143 to 1175 in like, 2 days..can you say, HOLY FUCKING COW????!!! That's INSANE! Yall must really want me to take off some clothes! LOLOLOL. Sooo, to keep this game going, here's yall's reward
Buuuuut I think last time I was a bit easy on you's, so this time, when White Stripes gets 50 more comments(1225, for those who ran outta fingers and toes
, and yes, I was one of
), I'll take yet another piece of clothing off
So let's see how bad yall want it!!!!
And well..since nothing exciting has happened in the past 2 days, here are like, 2 or 3 pics!
Just when I thought fanny packs were ugly enough, I found this at work...
Sooo I saw this lovely, adorable piercing in a group, and I'm seriously debating on getting it done..
But is it 4 different piercings?? The more I look at it, the more it looks like it is, and idk if I can handle all that in my special place
But what do you all think??? I honestly think it's like, the cutest vag piercing I've ever seen..
Wellll, I reckon I'll get off of here and play some League...kinda wish it was morning, because my lover is making me breakfast tomorrow
Which is a rarity! lol. Hope you all have a wonderful night! *muah*

Buuuuut I think last time I was a bit easy on you's, so this time, when White Stripes gets 50 more comments(1225, for those who ran outta fingers and toes

And well..since nothing exciting has happened in the past 2 days, here are like, 2 or 3 pics!
Just when I thought fanny packs were ugly enough, I found this at work...

Sooo I saw this lovely, adorable piercing in a group, and I'm seriously debating on getting it done..

But is it 4 different piercings?? The more I look at it, the more it looks like it is, and idk if I can handle all that in my special place

Wellll, I reckon I'll get off of here and play some League...kinda wish it was morning, because my lover is making me breakfast tomorrow

Thank you for your support on my set!