Hiiii guiiiiseeeee!!! How are yoouuuusss? Hope yall's weekend was good! Mine was ok I guess...totally shot another amazing set with the oh-so-awesome jaruby, even though things totally didn't go as planned
But at least we got one, right?? I hope to have it up asap, considering how much you all are loving White Stripes !!! Almost 1150 comments!?!?!? That's CUUUUUHHHHRAZY!!! And it's all thanks to every single one of you! It blows my mind on how well it is doing
You are ALL so supportive, loving, and amazing friends, what more can a girl ask for??? Keep on loving it, and hopefully it'll be FP soon!
But anywhooo....So, for a change, I want to hear what you all are thinking, wanting, or interested in. What more would you like to see of me? Got some killer ideas set-wise that you'd like to see me attempt? Wanna give some pointers on cooking? What color do you think my next hair color should be? Or how about which song at the moment is your favorite? Favorite movie? JUST WHATEVER!! Speak up, and throw some stuff out there! I do get tired of talking about myself all the time, ya know!
But since nothing else has really happened lately, since I've been working 40hrs a week, tryin to save up for vacation, here's a couple of pics from lately!
Curly wannabe!!!
"Da fuck you say???"
Duckfacing like pros
The absolute mouthgasm...
And who can say no to brownie mix??? That's right, no one
It's looked like this here for the past week
Stupid scary thunderstorms...
Yes..I did eat a whole carton of strawberries in like, 30 mins...they're healthy, that's all that matters!
My absolute favorite song at the moment
Totally just watched this, and it's so adorable, you all MUST watch it!
I introduce to you, my latest WoW pet, Fluffybutt
Ohhhh yes..how could I forget?? I have a little game I'd like to play with you my darlings
For every 25 comments that I get on White Stripes, I take a piece of clothing off, and let you all see
The more comments, the more skin you see! Want to see me do something special in my pics, lemme know, and depending if you all hold your end of the bargain, I will most definitely aim to please
So when it hits 1168, I'll take a layer off
So to start this lil game off..here's this!
Hope you all enjoy your week! *muah*muah*

But anywhooo....So, for a change, I want to hear what you all are thinking, wanting, or interested in. What more would you like to see of me? Got some killer ideas set-wise that you'd like to see me attempt? Wanna give some pointers on cooking? What color do you think my next hair color should be? Or how about which song at the moment is your favorite? Favorite movie? JUST WHATEVER!! Speak up, and throw some stuff out there! I do get tired of talking about myself all the time, ya know!

But since nothing else has really happened lately, since I've been working 40hrs a week, tryin to save up for vacation, here's a couple of pics from lately!
Curly wannabe!!!

"Da fuck you say???"

Duckfacing like pros

The absolute mouthgasm...

And who can say no to brownie mix??? That's right, no one

It's looked like this here for the past week

Yes..I did eat a whole carton of strawberries in like, 30 mins...they're healthy, that's all that matters!

My absolute favorite song at the moment

Totally just watched this, and it's so adorable, you all MUST watch it!


I introduce to you, my latest WoW pet, Fluffybutt

Ohhhh yes..how could I forget?? I have a little game I'd like to play with you my darlings

Hope you all enjoy your week! *muah*muah*

next hair color idea...ruby red. that would look HOT with your pale skin! Pale girls of the world unite
PS, send some rain this way, we're dying over here :\

I agree! And thank you!