Yes, it is true...I am ALIVE!!! Sorry for being mia for quite some time, but finals are kicking my butt! Just two more to go, but they're by far the hardest of them all
Especially my Comp II exam...I gotta write a 700 word essay about the movie The Truman Show and somehow make it incorporate it into a well informed definition of what comprises good literature or what makes for bad literature. Now how the hell am I supposed to do that??? But not only do I have to do that, I also have to write a 500 word essay either about discussing the concept of truth vs. relativism in The Truman Show and then relate it to my own experience, OR, discuss the concept of choice vx. determinism in The Truman Show and then relate it to my own what the fuck both of those essays mean, I have no idea. Like, I'm so confused, idk where to even start...*sigh*
But other than that, I've done nothing but goof off a bit, as these pics show
(hopefully they'll make up for my absence!!)
Buuuuuttt that's about it...Super excited about Mister jaruby coming up to shoot this weekend!!! Considering my photoshoot from yesterday completely sucked ass...hate unprofessional gets so old, so quick...But I reckon I should get back to trying to figure out these stupid papers
Hope you all are having a wonderlous week so far!!!

But other than that, I've done nothing but goof off a bit, as these pics show

Buuuuuttt that's about it...Super excited about Mister jaruby coming up to shoot this weekend!!! Considering my photoshoot from yesterday completely sucked ass...hate unprofessional gets so old, so quick...But I reckon I should get back to trying to figure out these stupid papers

Left some love on your set, you look awesome and the pics came out beautifully!
And I agree with the others, you've got killer hair but the waterfall braid in particular looks super sweet!