Well!!! Hello my dears. Today I have done something great...I finished watching ALL the Lord of the Rings movies. Never before now have I been able to stay awake to even get to the second or third one. So today, after watching one a nite, I have finished them. And what do I think of them, you might ask?? WELL!!! They were all good...until the stupid ending...stupid, stupid, STUPID. Why they decided to take Frodo and leave poor Sam, idk..hell, I didn't even like Sam throughout all the movies..but he still should've gotten to go instead of Frodo..if it wasn't for Sam, Frodo would've died like, 2626562552 times, bc he kept wanting to put the stupid ring on!! and he wouldn't stop listening to stupid gollum... Sam was the one who always came back to help frodo...Sam...He had to put up with stupid frodo's squeaking when he got hurt, he had to put up with all the attitude that was thrown his way...poor Sam.
But overall, it was enjoyable...made me wish that I was elf..with all their prettiness and pointy ears<3 Must say...if I was ever to do a major body mod to myself, it'd be a tough choice between boob implants, and pointy elf ears
But anyways, how are you all doing?? I, unfortunately, woke up at 7am with a killer sore throat and my ears screaming at me in pain
All because I slept with my mouth open last nite -__- Ridiculous...but the 17hrs of sleep that I got wasn't bad at all!!!
Quite refreshing for sure!
But other than goin to school and working, I've done nothing but yearn for the beach and/or pool...god, how I cant wait till ours opens!!!! But that wont be till Labor Day wknd
which saddens me greatly
Photoshoot coming up on Thursday, so hopefully it'll go good! Hope to have some pretty pics up here soon for all your eyes to feast upon!!!!
But overall, it was enjoyable...made me wish that I was elf..with all their prettiness and pointy ears<3 Must say...if I was ever to do a major body mod to myself, it'd be a tough choice between boob implants, and pointy elf ears

But anyways, how are you all doing?? I, unfortunately, woke up at 7am with a killer sore throat and my ears screaming at me in pain

But other than goin to school and working, I've done nothing but yearn for the beach and/or pool...god, how I cant wait till ours opens!!!! But that wont be till Labor Day wknd

Photoshoot coming up on Thursday, so hopefully it'll go good! Hope to have some pretty pics up here soon for all your eyes to feast upon!!!!

You really are an incredible person
I'm getting to know you slowly but surely and your art here is absolutely breathtaking
I'm looking forward to keeping my eye on you! 

well hey there thanks for the add.