helloooo lovelies!!!! Sorry for being mia for so long! School and work has bombarded me with bunches of crap!!! I feel so bad that I haven't gotten on here sooner to THANK ALL OF YOU for your AMAZING comments and love that you've shown Serenity!!! I could not thank you enough!!! You ALL are amazingly awesome friends, and I couldn't ask for better ones! It means so much to me that you all took the time to check Serenity out and leave such sweet and encouraging comments
I was really touched and surprised with how much you all seemed to love it

Other than work and school, I've been attempting to work out every nite to some Jillian Michaels videos and O......M......G
I've never been so sore in my entire life...like, I couldn't even roll over in bed without help.lol. It's pretty bad when you have to debate with yourself whether you think it's worth all the pain to use the muscles to squat down to pee!!! lol. But hopefully I'll get used to it and get all sculpted like I was in high school... that is if Jillian doesn't kill me first!!!
Other than that, nothing exciting has happened...other than we bought some XBOX LIVE!!! So I'm SUPER EXCITED that I get to play some Halo Reach now

Hopefully I can get back on track and start writing my blogs day by day again! Love you ALL!!!

Other than work and school, I've been attempting to work out every nite to some Jillian Michaels videos and O......M......G

Other than that, nothing exciting has happened...other than we bought some XBOX LIVE!!! So I'm SUPER EXCITED that I get to play some Halo Reach now

Hopefully I can get back on track and start writing my blogs day by day again! Love you ALL!!!

Wow, wow, wow! Spiderman and a hot lady! Doesn't get much better than that!
