soooo tired....for some reason, my classes kicked my little ass today...probably because I actually went to all of But at least I got 2 of the 3 papers done that are due tmrw/, I guess that's good! Got to see my friend from Oklahoma today! Talked about all the people we went to elementary and middle school with(pretty much how they all got fat and Hung out with her family a bit...and let me say this: my children, if I'm ever cursed with such things, will NOT be little demons. I'm tellin ya, one of her cousins, he was super SUPER cute. He was quite, well mannered, put up with A LOT of crap from his little bratty brother..whom, crawled all over the table WITH HIS SHOES OFF(gag) while we were eating was hitting people in the face, and was demanding to be held the entire time..I was just like, dear Jesus..I felt so bad for the older one..cute little thing. No wonder he's been my favorite of the two ever since I've known I just knew he'd turn out to be the normal, loveable one! lol. But enough about that, since it's starting to sound like I'm And I'm sure yall don't really care about my interactions with little demon children.. But I guess I had better get off here and finish this one last stupid paper so I can go to bed. But here's' some pics of my fabulous new hair! I'm in love with it
^^that one is soooo definitely belongs on a movie poster for sure! tehe

^^that one is soooo definitely belongs on a movie poster for sure! tehe

Impressive debut set. You are gorgeous!
Awesome set and drop dead killer hair.. Had to pop by and say hey though because of the oh-so-cool omages to Merlin and Firefly.. Merlin, getting better all the time, Firefly, best freakin SciFi series of all time!! And to have a sexy SG get that, too cool!!