oooooh kay...So, I really don't want to go to work...much less my Art History class..considering the fact that I only got about 3hrs of sleep last nite bc of my stupid ear being all fat and sore as fuuuck(I got an industrial done Monday)>.> But yeah. Other than that, today hasn't been too too bad..Painted a nifty lil picture in Intro this morning!
I don't think it looks TOO bad..considering that it was the 2nd time in my life that I've ever painted. But I'm pretty sure the fact that I have some tasty Propel in the fridge is gonna get me through my day. Ohhh, how I've missed it
So hopefully that'll help me cut back on the soft drinks..But I'm super excited about next Saturday, since my set will be see-able to everyone! Can't wait to hear some feedback on it, that's for sure! And I'm pretty pumped about the fact that I'm off this Saturday
Which means I'll get to sleep in! *YAY*
But for now, I must leave you
I'll leave ya a lil treat to feast your lovely eyes upon though

my FF tattoo is Kefka's finaly saying in FF6, in latin
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