My most memorable day in my life was on sunday (sept. 25th,2005) It was my most happiest day in my life... it feels like I was dreaming... when eversoluvable say that she loves me... love love love blush smile
I made a poem for eversoluvable...

Let Me do what I can

Let Me do what I can...
To make your life easier,
And forget the past...and start anew.

Let Me do what I can...
To let you know... you're one of a kind,
That you're very special lady.

Let Me do what I can...
To show you what I feel for you is real,...
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It's been a week now since my special friend(eversoluvable) from Vegas visited me. I think of her a lot, and missed her. she gave me her email addy to communicate or get hold of her... i send e-cards, and mail to her, but still no response frown confused . When she came to Merced, she drop by my place of work... it was like 23:09. I was'nt...
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