Last night, January 6,2007 3v3r50luv4bl3 came with a male companion to pick up some stuff i'm giving away cause i'm moving out in few days. I got jealouse really bad... i was acting rude even she asked me to give her a hug... that she could come by to download music to her phone... i didn't give her a hug, said i don't know bout downloading music to her phone. I know i messed up by acting uneducatedly... i haven't been jealouse like that with thte same time i been having headache for 5 days striaght... which could also trigger my negative moods.... i guess i mess up!!! I texted her that I was sorry for being rude n acted uneducatedly, my headache n stress ( moving,looking for a place, moving out to vegas by end of march, leaving her Alizha. cell phone bills). i hope she accept my sincere apology... I also texted her that I still help her anyway i can when she needed it.