Not good, The pages are MASSIVE! Wish they thought it through a bit more. The photo sets are badly pixelated and I cant change pic size on screen except the whole web page using windows Ctrl+zoom in or out, but pics still so pixelated, you can not make out the SG logo on the pics. Sorry but I hate this change. It is very confusing and hard to navigate. I have to keep scrolling to see the page. It needs shrinking so I can see more on a single window frame. Prefer the old style as it was all in focus and not pixelated. The reason I joined is to see good quality pictures but now all the pictures in all the photo sets are badly pixelated and very poor quality.
I will have to re-think my membership to this site as the pictures in photo sets are now so badly pixelated they are not worth viewing.
The pages are so big and I have to keep scrolling down to read just a few items, but on the old site I could see most of them in one window frame. Everything is simply to big and too bold that I get pissed when I leave SG to view other sites only to find I have zoomed out in Windows Explorer so much that I cant read the text of the next website as it is so small.
What do others think?