Well, last night I lounged around on the couch and watched Paranormal Activity by myself. It was pretty good, definately went with the weather... I had to get my nerve up to watch it, because I have been dealing with my own paranormal activity and didn't want to get freaked out being in my house. To all of you that don't beleive in ghosts, they are real. I didn't believe in ghosts until I moved to Fl in my house last year. I had a TAPS family team (friends with Ghosthunters on SyFy) come and invesigate my house because I was being touched, hearing 3 different voices on a daily basis, seeing objects move, and seeing shadows. They caught evidence, plus I have done my own Evp sessions with my Blackberry Sound Recorder and caught voices. Pretty crazy!
Hahaha! I'm definately agree with you on that!
As long as you don't start seeing dead people I'm sure you'll be fine. Have a good night Haley Joel.