oops... how did it get to be June already?
so much work.
and I'm buggering off to Sussex on Sunday to work on my fairy skipping show (yup, camp as Christmas, me) for three weeks.
However, my beloved just left to go to Hungary on a research trip for six weeks, so, fickle creature that I am, I suddenly remembered y'all!
I'd imagine everyone thinks I'm dead, and has stopped coming round to check (in a virtual sense) I'd definitely be smelling by now.
Maybe I am dead...
nah, I'm eating too much to be dead.
so much work.
and I'm buggering off to Sussex on Sunday to work on my fairy skipping show (yup, camp as Christmas, me) for three weeks.
However, my beloved just left to go to Hungary on a research trip for six weeks, so, fickle creature that I am, I suddenly remembered y'all!
I'd imagine everyone thinks I'm dead, and has stopped coming round to check (in a virtual sense) I'd definitely be smelling by now.
Maybe I am dead...

nah, I'm eating too much to be dead.
Good point on the whole change in stages concept. That's why I need you around more, to make sure I think these life altering changes through before jumping into them head first (how does one jump head first anyways???)
I was thinking of perhaps turning the cat into a zombie as well but I'm not sure if zombieism works like vampirism and the semse of transferring powers and such. Hmmm....
I'm doing well. How've the last couple of months treated you?