Hello and happy spring fertility fetivals to you all! John Barleycorn has risen, the wolf has disgorged the sun, the bunnies are fucking (oh, and apparently, it's the anniversary of a bloke with a beard being executed by the Romans and then making a miraculous comeback too) Yes, not a lot of hymn-singing in the DeWinter Easter
Very interesting how religions all end up piling their holidays up at the same times of year- tells us a lot more about people than about God.
Just got back from the in-laws (except there being no law involved in my beloved's and my relationship I suppose they'd be outlaws... cool) along with his brother and lovely girlfriend, where we've been well fed, sat in some lovely country pubs, entertained with egg hunts, gone aah at baby photos (me and the bro's girl in particular) and generally spoiled. lovely
slightly scary conversation about weddings, but other than that, all good.
how did everyone else celebrate the coming of spring/resurration of Christ?

Very interesting how religions all end up piling their holidays up at the same times of year- tells us a lot more about people than about God.
Just got back from the in-laws (except there being no law involved in my beloved's and my relationship I suppose they'd be outlaws... cool) along with his brother and lovely girlfriend, where we've been well fed, sat in some lovely country pubs, entertained with egg hunts, gone aah at baby photos (me and the bro's girl in particular) and generally spoiled. lovely

slightly scary conversation about weddings, but other than that, all good.
how did everyone else celebrate the coming of spring/resurration of Christ?
Your mistake may have been ooh-ing and ahh-ing at the baby photos. The outlaw's minds must have been going overdrive: 'Ah, they like babies... but, of course, they can't have them outwith wedlock. Time to start looking out the hats...'
Thankfully I've never had to go through the whole marriage conversation. Yet.