hey hey, it's nearly Friday, which means it's nearly the end of timetabled work for a whole glorious week! I'm setting next week aside for research, I've got three shows coming up, none of which has had enough thought and input yet, so I can't wait. expect to find me spouting about bears, skipping traditions in rural Sussex and birthing rituals all next week, yay! particularly looking forward to the bear research...
look at him... so cuddly yet with such big fuck-off teeth.
just one more performance of my Prodigy-soundtracked version of the Bacchae to go, then it's bears and birthing all the way!
and yes, I know, no pics of the wonderful shed yet. sorry!
look at him... so cuddly yet with such big fuck-off teeth.
just one more performance of my Prodigy-soundtracked version of the Bacchae to go, then it's bears and birthing all the way!
and yes, I know, no pics of the wonderful shed yet. sorry!

You know, you're absolutely right. Google has a severe lack of skipping bears! This was the best I could come up with:
Just doesn't live up to the image in my head!
Why, I don't quite know.