I've just endured the most frustrating broadband-less fortnight ever. I had no idea how much i needed it. I shall be sending flowers to Tiscali for months.
yay! so fast now! no stupid squeally noises and no mega phone bill, joy!
In other news: the new place is fantastic, me, my beloved and all our books fit in just nicely and my shed does indeed rock. Pics coming soon.
I'm running an event at the Young Vic (that's a theatre, for you non-Londoners) for members of their young directors' scheme and that's scaring the bejeezus out of me. spending today writing lots of notes, photocopying bits of script and hiding under my desk eating biscuits when it all gets too much.
seeya all soon, appreciate your broadband, you'd miss it if it went away.
I've just endured the most frustrating broadband-less fortnight ever. I had no idea how much i needed it. I shall be sending flowers to Tiscali for months.
yay! so fast now! no stupid squeally noises and no mega phone bill, joy!
In other news: the new place is fantastic, me, my beloved and all our books fit in just nicely and my shed does indeed rock. Pics coming soon.
I'm running an event at the Young Vic (that's a theatre, for you non-Londoners) for members of their young directors' scheme and that's scaring the bejeezus out of me. spending today writing lots of notes, photocopying bits of script and hiding under my desk eating biscuits when it all gets too much.
seeya all soon, appreciate your broadband, you'd miss it if it went away.
Its Silverwolf, now Silvery.
We talked books
Keep well
I'm actually trying to sleep on the train to work more just so I can avoid all the things about them that work me up. But it doesn't work - even waiting on the platform's a chore. The 'I'm-terribly-important' business man who tuts until the train arrives, even if it's on time; the twiglet thin office flake who always has to be the first on the train even if she's stopping other people getting off... *sigh* I guess I'm just not built for that run in the morning.
But anyway, I've promised myself I shall keep my rants to my own journal and not sully the comment boxes of others! Hope you're still enjoying your broadband. What's going in the shed? Not the usual rakes and lawnmower I hope.
Nice to meet you. Do pop around the journal again.