I was drinking with some "friends* at Walton N.Y. they dropped extacy in my sister's ans my beer. They asked me if I would protect women. I told them yes. Then they rapped my sister after I told them that I wouldn't kill for that same reason. These people are hypocritical.

Damn, how are you? I'm really sorry that you went through this. It's terrible, unfair, disgusting. No one deserves this.
We're okay. It happened a long time ago. I just don't want this kind of thing to happen to people. It's fucked up. They brag about it.

When nobody's on the level, and everything's so cloak and dagger. Whispers in the wind, speaking of treachery, deceit, and sin. Where do you go and who do trust, and who's looking out for my ten year old kin? No circle of protection, white, black, or blue, when all hope is lost, I'm turning to you.

Bigoted bastards bash beautiful beings, blindly begetting badly blundered bullshit. Bewildering blaspheme; benign boys believing boastful Bologna blissfully backing behinds. Bent bottoms bouncing before bare balls beating butter, batting batter.
Pestilent prissy prats practicing poison, propagating potent piss; puckering pals.
Crazy cats continue creating constantly, callous curses contaminate cranial cavities. Contemplative caretakers cannot cause cures.
Shit sultans sullying sacred stations.
Varley varley, vicar voices various vexes Miserably Mary mouths many musings misunderstood Foregoing Flora's favored finely forged fable Vainglorious violet vixen vanishes, vacillating validation Mad men muster mightily mounted mates Forever foraging for familiar feminine fragrance Victor's venture voraciously valid vaunting veneration Mary's mob magickly maintains maximum measure Fornicating fickle flowers, faintly factor fancy Veterans vie vigilantly vouching vivid value Maybe monkies might maintain more manners Females falling far from flawless flavor Vice versa volte-faced veto vindication voluble Male managements make mischievous monsters March Flawlessly failing fasted fellows formerly frequented Versatile verbose ventures verbiaging veritable vernacular Much muttering meaningless messages, misused more Friendly fervor flows focus fraternal forecast
Sorry I lost the formatting