Well the damn rain showed up so fucking summer is gone. Miss that shit already! Oh well
all the cool holidays are coming which rocks cause I got two young daughters that man
XMAS shopping is a blast! I am the 35 yr old kid who is all excited when shopping and playing
at Toys R Us!
Other than that their really isn't shit exciting going on. Well got to go carve some human flesh
up & eat breakfast. Talk at you all soon.
Quote for this week: "I am better without you & your better without me.. As Evil as you are your
beautiful to me"
all the cool holidays are coming which rocks cause I got two young daughters that man
XMAS shopping is a blast! I am the 35 yr old kid who is all excited when shopping and playing
at Toys R Us!
Other than that their really isn't shit exciting going on. Well got to go carve some human flesh
up & eat breakfast. Talk at you all soon.
Quote for this week: "I am better without you & your better without me.. As Evil as you are your
beautiful to me"
I am sure I will have many more wacky stories in just hours..
Happy Birthday !!!!!