God it's FUCKING HOT!! Air is out in my office and it's 100 outside 85 in my office. Well
that's it I am drinking cold beer & swimming when I get home tonight.
Ok peoples play fizzy lick like their is no sideways stepping in hob knob town. Fever is
the face of the other guy so smack him or his fluffer might bite ya. Anyhow spin round & round
till you fall down it's fun, not like humpng the dryer but good for the soul.
that's it I am drinking cold beer & swimming when I get home tonight.
Ok peoples play fizzy lick like their is no sideways stepping in hob knob town. Fever is
the face of the other guy so smack him or his fluffer might bite ya. Anyhow spin round & round
till you fall down it's fun, not like humpng the dryer but good for the soul.
Oh god. Nothing, I repeat NOTHING is better then a cold beer and swimming in this weather.
I think a bb gun might be a bad idea in my apartment