While I sit up & hum, the days of mischief
fall back in my thoughts like dominoes one
by one. Picking with my finger deeper into
pits in my skull I become weary and alert..
Fuck the sesame street guy Burt, he and
that pin headed Ernie blew. Not for the money
just cause if he didn't he'd want to get hurt.
So again rambling feet step by step nowwhere
but again and again I stand slapping at shadows
of that man in tights.
Huh , he is hung, lucky fool. Well that makes it so more
complicated to hit the bastard. None have done more than
what I have so put it done your notes I ponder.
Well off with my slinky in hand I stumble away to be
seen yet another time.,. Toodles Schmoker Crew & piss
off Johnney P!
fall back in my thoughts like dominoes one
by one. Picking with my finger deeper into
pits in my skull I become weary and alert..
Fuck the sesame street guy Burt, he and
that pin headed Ernie blew. Not for the money
just cause if he didn't he'd want to get hurt.
So again rambling feet step by step nowwhere
but again and again I stand slapping at shadows
of that man in tights.
Huh , he is hung, lucky fool. Well that makes it so more
complicated to hit the bastard. None have done more than
what I have so put it done your notes I ponder.
Well off with my slinky in hand I stumble away to be
seen yet another time.,. Toodles Schmoker Crew & piss
off Johnney P!
Eww man in tights.